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The CyberEthics Podcast Transcripts

The CyberEthics Podcast logo with the title "Episode 5 - Cam Wells"



Thank you for joining us on the Cyber ethics podcast. I'm Dr. Michael Buder. Today I'm joined by Cam Wells and we'll be discussing issues of accessibility in the digital sphere.

Cam Wells is a stroke survivor and he holds 4 diplomas from St. Clair College. After getting his journalism degree, he Came to realize that there's a great imbalance in the way disability stories are typically portrayed in the media.

They seem to be portrayed as either bitter or inspirational without a presentation of the middle ground. After graduating, Cam set himself to the task of trying to change all that.

He has been the host of the radio show Handi-Link for 15 years now. He has interviewed a wide array of people from cast members of shows like Breaking Bad and Corner Gas to everyday people with amazing stories to share.


The CyberEthics Podcast logo with "The CyberEthics Podcast" above it and "Episode 1 - Introduction" below it.

Hello and welcome to the Cyberethics podcast, I am Dr Michael Bruder.  

I have been teaching Cyebrethics for the past decade and am passionate about discussing these issues with experts and bringing those conversations to the wider public.

With the help of some professionals from various fields, we will be discussing the ways our increasingly digital lives raise old and new ethical concerns.  We will cover such topics as the dangers of Artificial Intelligence, privacy and surveillance, gaming, social media addiction, digital accessibility, cyber-education and many more.

This first podcast is intended to serve as a brief introduction to the moral frameworks and ethical principles that I will be making reference to as we discuss issues of Cyberethics.

First a note on terminology: what I am calling cyberethics is sometimes called computer ethics, information ethics, or even technology ethics.  These all refer to the same general scope of issues that arise when our technology brings us face to face with ethical concerns.  I will also be alternating between the term ethics and morals, these can be considered interchangeable for our purposes.

There are few areas of human endeavour that are growing as quickly as technology.  Each new development entails a new set of possibilities and these possibilities, in turn, present new challenges to our understanding of their moral implications.  What tends not to change quite so rapidly are our core values and the moral frameworks through which we assess the implications of our technological developments.  

In Philosophy, ethics is divided into normative and applied approaches.  Normative ethics studies broad questions such as: 

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