Aristos Education Services


Online coaching sessions have the same objectives, techniques, and structure as in-person sessions with some contextual differences. The majority of material sharing and coach demonstrations will occur via screen sharing and some materials may need to be sent to clients in advance of the sessions.
In order to ensure we are providing the best possible support for both our online and in-person clients, there are a few key points to keep in mind.
Attention and Engagement
We want to be as effective as possible during our coaching sessions and facilitating student engagement is an important component of our efficacity. Many of the students we see struggle with attention and this struggle can be compounded in the context of online sessions. We want to take all possible steps to reduce and mitigate attention issues resulting from coaching in an online environment.
-become familiar with the session delivery software (zoom, etc), there are usually tutorials available online if needed
-ensure parents can provide a distraction reduced space for the online session
-have the student come prepared with any and all regular materials (writing/drawing supplies, frequently used manipulatives,
Technical Issues
We seldom have technology without technical issues. The best way to deal with technical issues is through anticipation and preparation. Here are some tips to help prepare for and address the most common technical issues
-always do a dry run before the lesson if your are trying something new, whether this is a new website or a new type of document you want to screenshare
-be the host of the meeting, there are some things you will want to do, like screen share, that you usually need to be the host of the meeting to accomplish
-have a parent contact number handy, if the session is suddenly interrupted, this allows you to coordinate a solution with the clients
-have alternate analog materials and activities at the ready in case of issues with digital materials